Lease Printer Program


This document will outline the process to the first steps needed by the school of medicine staff to lease a printer/copier from CBE Solutions and UCR Printing and Reprographics.

How to submit the request

  1. Select a copier based on the needs of the department.
  2. Complete the attached UCR Campus Business Services (CBS) form.  This includes a signature which should consist of the appropriate budget owner and/or FAO, and include a text box right above the Lessee cell with FAUs for equipment and recurring charges.
  3. Email the completed form to Bill Sieck -
  4. Bill Sieck will then complete additional requirements on the form and send them to Jennifer Tenney, UCR Printing and Reprographics
  5. Jennifer Tenney will forward the form to UCR Campus Business Services for approval.
  6. Campus Business Services will sign the form and return them to CBE Solutions.
  7. CBE Solutions will order the equipment.
  8. CBE Solutions will deliver and install the equipment.
  9. School of Medicine staff will contact the Office of Information Technology to a setup network printer for users.
  10. The turnaround process will approximately take 30 days.